MySql 漢字轉拼音首字母

2021-09-02 21:22:21 字數 1969 閱讀 9084

delimiter $$

use `test`$$

drop function if exists `getpy`$$

create definer=`hjd`@`%` function `getpy`(in_string varchar(21845)) returns varchar(21845) charset utf8



declare tmp_str varchar(21845) charset gbk default '' ;


declare tmp_len smallint default 0;


declare tmp_loc smallint default 0;

#擷取字元,每次 left(tmp_str,1) 返回值存放在該變數中

declare tmp_char varchar(2) charset gbk default '';


declare tmp_rs varchar(21845)charset gbk default '';


declare tmp_cc varchar(2) charset gbk default '';


set tmp_str = in_string;


set tmp_len = length(tmp_str);


while tmp_len > 0 do


set tmp_char = left(tmp_str,1);


set tmp_cc = tmp_char;


set tmp_loc=interval(conv(hex(tmp_char),16,10),0xb0a1,0xb0c5,0xb2c1,0xb4ee,0xb6ea,0xb7a2,0xb8c1,0xb9fe,0xbbf7,0xbfa6,0xc0ac

,0xc2e8,0xc4c3,0xc5b6,0xc5be,0xc6da,0xc8bb,0xc8f6,0xcbfa,0xcdda ,0xcef4,0xd1b9,0xd4d1);


if (length(tmp_char)>1 and tmp_loc>0 and tmp_loc<24) then


select elt(tmp_loc,'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','w','x','y','z') into tmp_cc;

end if;


set tmp_rs = concat(tmp_rs,tmp_cc);


set tmp_str = substring(tmp_str,2);


set tmp_len = length(tmp_str);

end while;


return tmp_rs;


delimiter ;


public string hz2py string hz 獲得漢字的區位碼 else if tmp 45253 tmp 45760 else if tmp 47761 tmp 46317 else if tmp 46318 tmp 46825 else if tmp 46826 tmp 47009...


漢字轉拼音或轉拼音首字母 public class chinesetospell private static string pyname new string 把漢字轉換成拼音 全拼 漢字字串 轉換後的拼音 全拼 字串 public static string characterconvertst...


漢字轉拼音或轉拼音首字母 public class chinesetospell private static string pyname new string 把漢字轉換成拼音 全拼 漢字字串 轉換後的拼音 全拼 字串 public static string characterconvertst...