MFC全域性函式開局 AfxGetApp解剖

2021-09-03 01:24:45 字數 1433 閱讀 7336


afxwininit() afxbeginthread() afxendthread() afxformatstring1() afxformatstring2()





afx_module_state* afxapi afxgetmodulestate();


// initialize cwinthread state

afx_module_state* pmodulestate = _afx_cmdtarget_getstate();   //看,宣告了乙個指標

afx_module_thread_state* pthreadstate = pmodulestate->m_thread;

assert(afxgetthread() == null);

pthreadstate->m_pcurrentwinthread = this;

assert(afxgetthread() == this);

m_hthread = ::getcurrentthread();

m_nthreadid = ::getcurrentthreadid();

// initialize wait cursor state

m_nwaitcursorcount = 0;

m_hcurwaitcursorrestore = null;

// initialize current printer state

m_hdevmode = null;

m_hdevnames = null;

m_nnumpreviewpages = 0;     // not specified (defaults to 1)

// initialize dao state

m_lpfndaoterm = null;   // will be set if afxdaoinit called

// other initialization

m_bhelpmode = false;

m_nsafetypoolsize = 512;        // default size

}#ifdef _afxdll

#define _afx_cmdtarget_getstate() (m_pmodulestate)


#define _afx_cmdtarget_getstate() (afxgetmodulestate())


MFC全域性函式開局 AfxGetApp解剖

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