
2021-09-05 08:53:25 字數 1087 閱讀 6163

part2 code


def gettext():

txt = open("hamlet.txt","r").read()


txt = txt.lower()

return txt

hamlettxt = gettext()

words = hamlettxt.split()


counts = {}

for word in words:

counts[word] = counts.get(word,0) + 1


items = list(counts.items())


items.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse= true)

for i in range(10):

word,count = items[i]





2、字典型別的counts.get(word,0) 方法表示:如果word在counts中,則返回word對應的值,如果word不在counts中,則返回0.

counts[word] = counts.get(word,0) + 1等價於:

if word incounts:

counts[word] = counts[word] + 1


counts[word] = 1

part3 the result

the 70

and 55

of 47

to 37

our 24

it 23

bernardo 22

this 22

in 22

horatio 20

PTA 詞頻統計

請編寫程式,對一段英文文字,統計其中所有不同單詞的個數,以及詞頻最大的前10 的單詞。所謂 單詞 是指由不超過80個單詞字元組成的連續字串,但長度超過15的單詞將只擷取保留前15個單詞字元。而合法的 單詞字元 為大小寫字母 數字和下劃線,其它字元均認為是單詞分隔符。輸入給出一段非空文字,最後以符號 ...


include include include define error 1 define ok 0 const int word length 250 定義單個單詞最大長度 typedef int status 定義儲存單詞及其出現次數的結構體 typedef struct nodewordnod...

Python 統計詞頻

calhamletv1.py def gettext txt open hamlet.txt r read txt txt.lower for ch in txt txt.replace ch,將文字中特殊字元替換為空格 return txt hamlettxt gettext words haml...