c 獲取計算機資訊

2021-09-05 19:17:37 字數 2016 閱讀 7910

managementobjectsearcher 類

基於指定的查詢檢索管理物件的集合。此類是用於檢索管理資訊的較為常用的入口點之一。例如,它可以用於列舉系統中的所有磁碟驅動器、網路介面卡、程序及更多管理物件,或者用於查詢所有處於活動狀態的網路連線以及暫停的服務等。在例項化之後,此類的例項可以接受在 objectquery 或其派生類中表示的 wmi 查詢作為輸入,並且還可以選擇接受乙個 managementscope(表示執行查詢時所在的 wmi 命名空間)。它還可以接受 enumerationoptions 中的其他高階選項。當呼叫此物件的 get 方法時,managementobjectsearcher在指定的範圍內執行給定的查詢,並返回與 managementobjectcollection 中的查詢匹配的管理物件的集合。

using system;

using system.management;

public class remoteconnect

{public static void main()

{/*// build an options object for the remote connection

//   if you plan to connect to the remote

//   computer with a different user name

//   and password than the one you are currently using

connectionoptions options =

new connectionoptions();

// and then set the options.username and

// options.password properties to the correct values

// and also set

// options.authority = "ntdlmdomain:domain";

// and replace domain with the remote computer's

// domain.  you can also use kerberose instead

// of ntdlmdomain.

*/// make a connection to a remote computer.

// replace the "fullcomputername" section of the

// string "\\\\fullcomputername\\root\\cimv2" with

// the full computer name or ip address of the

// remote computer.

managementscope scope =

new managementscope(



// use this code if you are connecting with a

// different user name and password:

//// managementscope scope =

//    new managementscope(

//        "\\\\fullcomputername\\root\\cimv2", options);

// scope.connect();

//query system for operating system information

objectquery query = new objectquery(

"select * from win32_operatingsystem");

managementobjectsearcher searcher =

new managementobjectsearcher(scope,query);

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