
2021-09-06 04:23:49 字數 1456 閱讀 3363


open (db, "/home/ellie/myfile") or die "can't open file: $!\n"



open(fh, "); # opens "filename" for reading.讀

# the <; symbol is optional.

open(fh, ">filename"); # opens "filename" for writing.寫

# creates or truncates file.

open(fh, "+); # opens "filename" for read, then write.寫讀後寫

open(fh, "+>filename"); # opens "filename" for write, then read.先寫後讀


3、開啟並列印該檔案 ;




my $file="d:/readtest.txt";

# is it readble, writeable, and executable?

print "file is readable, writeable, and executable\n"

if -r $file and -w _ and -x _;

# when was it last modified?

print "file was last modified ",-m $file, " days ago.\n";


print "file is a directory.\n "

if -d $file; # is it a directory?


file was last modified 0.0239930555555556 days ago.     


"file is readable, writeable, and executable\n"

if -r $file and -w _ and -x _


改為:print "file is readable, writeable, and executable\n"

if -r $file and -w _ ;


file is readable, writeable, and executable

file was last modified 0.0251851851851852 days ago.

-w _為-w $file的簡寫。

perl學習筆記七 檔案

檔案和資料夾 一 開啟 關閉檔案 open file handle,file path close file handle 二 讀檔案 語句 line 從檔案中讀取一行資料儲存到簡單變 量 line中並把檔案指標向後移動一行。語句 array 把檔案的全部內容讀入陣列 array,檔案的每一行 含回...

python 學習筆記2 檔案處理

1 檔案操作 1 檔案讀寫2 開啟,讀取,寫,關閉 4 f open cm r encoding utf 8 開啟檔案,預設gbk,所以需要轉碼5 f.close 一旦開啟必須關閉67 檔案開啟三種方式,讀 寫 追加 r w a8 讀 r 不指定時預設為讀9 讀寫 r 只要有r,檔案不存在都會報錯1...

Perl學習筆記(六) 檔案(一)

一 檔案描述符 訪問檔案時用來代表檔案的數字。它是系統資源,系統限制開啟的檔案描述符數量。perl中只在某些系統呼叫時才使用它 檔案控制代碼 功能同檔案描述符,但是與檔案描述符不是乙個東西。perl使用檔案控制代碼代表檔案。檔案描述符與檔案控制代碼互相轉化 檔案控制代碼 檔案描述符 fileno f...