每日一句 2014 8 26

2021-09-06 17:47:30 字數 663 閱讀 4045

when life gets hard and you want to give up,remember that

life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs,the ups

would mean nothing



when life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life

is full of ups and downs, and without the downs,the ups would mean 




when life gets hard and you want to give up,remember that life is full

of ups and downs, and without the downs,the ups would mean nothing



每日一句 2014 8 26

when life gets hard and you want to give up,remember that life is full of ups and downs,and without the downs,the ups would mean nothing 當生活很艱難,你想要放棄的...

每日一句 2014 9 1

people with goals succeed because they know where they re going 有目標的人能夠成功,因為他們知道他們要去哪 people with goals succeed because they know where they re going ...


從未消失,從未遠離,你就在我的心裡。與成功相比,失敗的意義要深刻的多。喬治 克魯尼 演員 instructive n str kt v tem4 gre adj.有益的 教育性的 增長知識的 有啟發性的 英英釋義 something that is instructive gives useful ...