
2021-09-06 23:17:05 字數 1549 閱讀 4922



(define (location-file-based-on-modified-time dir-path from-seconds to-seconds file-op)

(unless (directory? dir-path)

(throw-error (string dir-path " folder does not exist"))

)(set 'dir-path (make-sure-folder-path-end-of-slash dir-path))

(recursive-access-dir dir-path file-op (list from-seconds to-seconds)))


;; @[from-seconds, to-seconds)

(define (show-file file-path ext-context)

(set 'm-time ((file-info file-path) 6))

(set 'from (ext-context 0))

(set 'to (ext-context 1))

(unless (and (>= m-time from) (< m-time to))

(if (regex ".txt$" file-path)


(println "---begin---")

(println file-path)

(println (string "modified time: " (date m-time)))

(println (string "from time: " (date from)))

(println (string "to time: " (date to)))

(delete-file file-path)

(println (sys-error))

(println "---end---")))

))(set 'cur-time (date-value))

(set 'five-hours-ago (- cur-time (* 3600 5)))

;;(println cur-time)

;;(println five-hours-ago)

(catch (file:location-file-based-on-modified-time "/tmp" five-hours-ago cur-time show-file) 'result)

(if result

(println result))

start-time指的是改動時間的開始, end-time指的是改動時間的結束,依照習慣,這是乙個左閉右開區間: [start-time, end-time), 這兩個時間都使用epoch表示。

假設找到,則返回true, 否則返回nil.

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