OpenGL於MFC使用彙總(三) 離屏渲染

2021-09-07 01:39:02 字數 2034 閱讀 9393



const int width = 500;

const int height = 500;

// create a memory dc compatible with the screen

hdc hdc = createcompatibledc(0);

if (hdc == 0) cout<<"could not create memory device context";

// create a bitmap compatible with the dc

// must use createdibsection(), and this means all pixel ops must be synchronised

// using calls to gdiflush() (see createdibsection() docs)

bitmapinfo bmi = ,

};unsigned char *pbits; // pointer to bitmap bits

hbitmap hbm = createdibsection(hdc, &bmi, dib_rgb_colors, (void **) &pbits,

0, 0);

if (hbm == 0) cout<<"could not create bitmap";

//hdc hdcscreen = getdc(0);

//hbitmap hbm = createcompatiblebitmap(hdcscreen,width,height);

// select the bitmap into the dc

hgdiobj r = selectobject(hdc, hbm);

if (r == 0) cout<<"could not select bitmap into dc";

// choose the pixel format

pixelformatdescriptor pfd = ;

int pfid = choosepixelformat(hdc, &pfd);

if (pfid == 0) cout<<"pixel format selection failed";

// set the pixel format

// - must be done *after* the bitmap is selected into dc

bool b = setpixelformat(hdc, pfid, &pfd);

if (!b) cout<<"pixel format set failed";

// create the opengl resource context (rc) and make it current to the thread

hglrc hglrc = wglcreatecontext(hdc);

if (hglrc == 0) cout<<"opengl resource context creation failed";

wglmakecurrent(hdc, hglrc);

// draw using gl - remember to sync with gdiflush()



*/// clean up

wgldeletecontext(hglrc); // delete rc

selectobject(hdc, r); // remove bitmap from dc

deleteobject(hbm); // delete bitmap

deletedc(hdc); // delete dc


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