
2021-09-07 09:06:36 字數 2209 閱讀 3269

package com.thread;

public class testsleep

}class sleepthread implements runnable

try catch (interruptedexception e) }




* causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease

* execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to

* the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers. the thread

* does not lose ownership of any monitors.

** @param millis

* the length of time to sleep in milliseconds

** @throws illegalargumentexception

* if the value of is negative

** @throws interruptedexception

* if any thread has interrupted the current thread. the

* interrupted status of the current thread is

* cleared when this exception is thrown.

*/public static native void sleep(long millis) throws interruptedexception;

/*** causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease

* execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified

* number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system

* timers and schedulers. the thread does not lose ownership of any

* monitors.

** @param millis

* the length of time to sleep in milliseconds

** @param nanos

* additional nanoseconds to sleep

** @throws illegalargumentexception

* if the value of is negative, or the value of

* is not in the range

** @throws interruptedexception

* if any thread has interrupted the current thread. the

* interrupted status of the current thread is

* cleared when this exception is thrown.

*/public static void sleep(long millis, int nanos)

throws interruptedexception

if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999)

if (nanos >= 500000 || (nanos != 0 && millis == 0))








thread類中的靜態方法sleep 當乙個執行中的執行緒呼叫了thread的sleep 方法後,呼叫執行緒會暫時讓出時間的執行權,這期間不參與cpu的排程,但是該執行緒持有的鎖是不讓出的。時間到了會正常返回,執行緒處於就緒狀態,然後參與cpu排程,獲取到cpu資源之後就可以執行。如果在睡眠期間,其...

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