安裝 Vbundle 的筆記

2021-09-07 09:10:45 字數 1256 閱讀 7672

vbundle 挺好用的,能夠很方便管理vim的一些外掛程式。雖然vbundle的安裝方法看的很簡單,但是它的配置卻讓我弄了很久,現在記錄如下,方便後面安裝時再出現相同的問題:

我按照這裡的官方提示的安裝方法: 來安裝的


官方的安裝方法如下(再linux下忽略 1. ,直接從 2.  開始)


installation requires git and triggersgit clonefor each configured repository to~/.vim/bundle/by default. curl is required for search.

if you are using windows, go directly to windows setup. if you run into any issues, please consult the faq. see tips for some advanced configurations.

using non-posix shells, such as the popular fish shell, requires additional setup. please check the faq.

set up vundle:

$ git clone .git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle.vim

configure plugins:

put this at the top of your.vimrcto use vundle. remove plugins you don't need, they are for illustration purposes.

set nocompatible" be improved, required

install plugins:

launchvimand run:plugininstall

to install from command line:vim +plugininstall +qall



把 vundle 相關的配置資訊放到了我的 .vimrc  的最底部, 這最終才成功了;


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