oracle 批量插入不同方案對比

2021-09-07 16:36:53 字數 1533 閱讀 1560




inline view更新法

inline view更新法就是更新乙個臨時建立的檢視

update (select a.join_stateas join_state_a,b.join_stateas join_state_b

from t_join_situation a, t_people_info b where a.people_number=b.people_number

and a.year='2011' and a.city_number='m00000' and a.town_number='m51000'

) set join_state_a=join_state_b



update  t_join_situation aset a.join_state=(select b.join_statefrom t_people_info b

where a.people_number=b.people_number

and a.year='2011' and a.city_number='m00000' and a.town_number='m51000')

where exists (select 1 from t_people_info b

where a.people_number=b.people_number

and a.year='2011' and a.city_number='m00000' and a.town_number='m51000')



for crin (select a.rowid,b.join_statefrom t_join_situation a,t_people_info b

where a.people_number=b.people_number

and a.year='2011' and a.city_number='m00000' and a.town_number='m51000')loop

update t_join_situationset join_state=cr.join_statewhere

rowid = cr.rowid;

end loop;



merge into t_join_situation a

using  t_people_info b

on (a.people_number=b.people_number

and  a.year='2011' and a.city_number='m00000' and a.town_number='m51000')

when matched then update set a.join_state=b.join_state

oracle 批量插入不同方案對比

實時測試的速度 48466條資料 1.297 inline view更新法 inline view更新法就是更新乙個臨時建立的檢視 update select a.join stateas join state a,b.join stateas join state b from t join si...


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