
2021-09-08 04:04:00 字數 1387 閱讀 3057


select datetime('now');


select date('now');


select time('now','localtime');


select strftime('%y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s','now','localtime');


select datetime(date('now'),'+1 hour');


select datetime(date('now'),'+1 hour','+30 minute');


select date('now','localtime','start of month','+1 month','-1 day');


select date('now','localtime','start of month');


select date('now','localtime','start of month','+1 month');


select substr('abc123',4,3);


select length('abc123');


select lower('abc'),upper('abc');


select round(cast(1 as double)/cast(3 as double),2);

--case when用法



when cast(strftime('%h','now','localtime') as int) >= 6 and cast(strftime('%h','now','localtime') as int) <=12 then '上午'

when cast(strftime('%h','now','localtime') as int) >12 and cast(strftime('%h','now','localtime') as int) <=18 then '下午'

when cast(strftime('%h','now','localtime') as int) >18 and cast(strftime('%h','now','localtime') as int) <=23 then '晚上'

else '凌晨' end;


insert語法格式如下 insert into table name n 語法注釋 into 乙個可選的關鍵字,可以將它用在 insert 和目標表之間。table name 將要接收資料的表或 table 變數的名稱。column list 要在其中插入資料的一列或多列的列表。必須用圓括號將co...


sqlite自增id自段 使用方法為integer primary key autoincrement 如 create table 21andy id integer primary key autoincrement,21andy varchar 100 not null,date date 注...


sqlite自增id自段 使用方法為integer primary key autoincrement 如 create table 21andy id integer primary key autoincrement,21andy varchar 100 notnull,date date 注意...