Swift 1 基本資料型別

2021-09-08 04:32:37 字數 1420 閱讀 9429

import foundation

println("hello, world!");

var v1 = 1;

var v2 = 2;

println(" v1 is \(v1) v2 is \(v2)");

var v3 = v1 + v2;

println("v3 is \(v3)");


var v4 : double = double(v3) + 3.14;

println("v4 is \(v4)");

var v5 = "hello"

let v6 = "world"

println(v5 + " " + v6);


let v7 = 3.1415;

println("v7 is " + string(v7));

var arr = [1,2,4,6];

println("arr index 1 is \(arr[1])");


var airports: dictionary= ["tyo": "tokyo", "dub": "dublin"];

var v8 = "10";


if v8.isempty


for character in "ddd1ew?"


let unusualmenagerie = "koala ??

??, snail ????, penguin ?

, dromedary ??

" println("unusualmenagerie has \(countelements(unusualmenagerie)) characters") var var9 = countelements(unusualmenagerie) println("var9 lenght is \(var9)") //比較字串 let quotation = "we're a lot alike, you and i." let samequotation = "we're a lot alike, you and i." if quotation == samequotation //大寫和小寫轉換 let normal = "could you help me, please?" let shouty = normal.uppercasestring // shouty 值為 "could you help me, please?

" let whispered = normal.lowercasestring // whispered 值為 "could you help me, please?" //string 轉換 int var i :int = "1".toint()! println("\(i)")

swift學習1 基本資料型別

今天學習swift的資料型別,進行一下小結 1.首先是常量變數,常量的定義的let,變數的定義是var 2.資料型別,int uint float double 都是結構體的定義 int還可以細分為 int8 int16 int32 int64 例如int8的最大值,可以呼叫 int8.max 3....


int是整型 double和float是浮點型 bool是布林型 string是字串 array和dictionary集合型別 tuple 元組 元組可以讓你建立或者傳遞一組資料,比如作為函式的返回值時,你可以用乙個元組可以返回多個值 optional 可選 用於處理值缺失的情況 varstr he...

Swift 基本資料型別

main.swift 1switf 基本資料型別 created by lzxuan on 16 1 26.沒有main函式 跟指令碼語言很像 從上自下一次執行 語句 import foundation 定義函式 無參無返回值 func test1 執行函式中的 那麼需要呼叫函式 test1 2.資...