MSSQL Rebuild 重建 索引

2021-09-08 09:46:49 字數 1010 閱讀 5007


declare @tablename varchar(50)

declare @indexname varchar(50)

declare @cmdsql nvarchar(max)

declare index_cursor cursor


select  object_name(object_id) as table_name ,


from    sys.indexes

where   name is not null

and object_name(object_id) in ( select  name

from    sys.tables )

open index_cursor

fetch next from index_cursor

into @tablename,@indexname

while @@fetch_status = 0


set @cmdsql ='alter index ['+@indexname+'] on [dbo].['+@tablename+'] rebuild with ( pad_index  = off, statistics_norecompute  = off, allow_row_locks  = on, allow_page_locks  = on, sort_in_tempdb = off, online = off )'

execute sp_executesql @cmdsql

print @cmdsql

fetch next from index_cursor

into @tablename,@indexname

endclose index_cursor

deallocate index_cursor


MSSQL Rebuild 重建 索引

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