WP7實時監控記憶體 轉

2021-09-08 14:37:24 字數 2499 閱讀 2399


system.windows.threading.dispatchertimer timer = new system.windows.threading.dispatchertimer();


using system;

using system.net;

using system.windows;

using system.windows.controls;

using system.windows.documents;

using system.windows.ink;

using system.windows.input;

using system.windows.media;

using system.windows.media.animation;

using system.windows.shapes;

using system.windows.controls.primitives;

using system.windows.threading;

using microsoft.phone.info;

using system.diagnostics;

using system.collections.generic;

public static class memorydiagnosticshelper


/// stops the timer and hides the counter



public static void stop()


/// add a checkpoint to the system to help diagnose failures. ignored in retail mode



public static void checkpoint(string text)

public static ienumerablerecentcheckpoints


/// gets the current memory usage, in bytes. returns zero in non-debug mode


/// current usage


/// gets the peak memory usage, in bytes. returns zero in non-debug mode


/// peak memory usage

private static void starttimer(timespan timespan)

static void timer_tick(object sender, eventargs e)

private static void updatepeakmemoryusage()

}private static void updatecurrentmemoryusage()

", mem / 1024);

int safetyband = getsafetyband(mem);

if (safetyband != lastsafetyband)

}private static brush getbrushforsafetyband(int safetyband)

}private static int getsafetyband(long mem)

private static void stoptimer()

private static void hidepopup()


/// holds checkpoint information for diagnosing memory usage


public class memorycheckpoint


/// the text associated with this checkpoint


public string text


/// the memory usage at the time of the checkpoint


public long memoryusage }}




/// add a finalizer to check for memory leaks




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