
2021-09-09 03:58:37 字數 1550 閱讀 9455


public class watcher

[permissionset(securityaction.demand, name="fulltrust")]

public static void run()

// create a new filesystemwatcher and set its properties.

filesystemwatcher watcher = new filesystemwatcher();

watcher.path = args[1];

/* watch for changes in lastaccess and lastwrite times, and

the renaming of files or directories. */

watcher.notifyfilter = notifyfilters.lastaccess | notifyfilters.lastwrite

| notifyfilters.filename | notifyfilters.directoryname;

watcher.includesubdirectories = true

; // 這個屬性用於指定是否監視指定目錄中的子目錄,很有用

// only watch text files.

watcher.filter = "*.*";

// add event handlers.

watcher.changed += new filesystemeventhandler(onchanged);

watcher.created += new filesystemeventhandler(onchanged);

watcher.deleted += new filesystemeventhandler(onchanged);

watcher.renamed += new renamedeventhandler(onrenamed);

// begin watching.

watcher.enableraisingevents = true;

// wait for the user to quit the program.

console.writeline("press /'q/' to quit the sample.");


}// define the event handlers.

private static void onchanged(object source, filesystemeventargs e)

private static void onrenamed(object source, renamedeventargs e)

renamed to ", e.oldfullpath, e.fullpath);}}




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