leetcode記錄 難度簡單 69 求平方數

2021-09-10 03:32:44 字數 918 閱讀 8404



example 1:

input: 4

output: 2

example 2:

input: 8

output: 2

explanation: the square root of 8 is 2.82842..., and since

the decimal part is truncated, 2 is returned.

var mysqrt = function (x)  else if (math.pow(mid, 2) < x)  else 


// if(x == 0) return 0 這樣提交又會提示input 1 output undefined

//由於以上2點,我發現0和1代入時,我定義的start 和 end是相等的,


//把迴圈條件更改:while (start < end) ==> while (start <= end)



1.if 判斷的條件:math.pow(mid, 2) <= x && x < math.pow(mid + 1, 2),不能寫成日常的連寫,

math.pow(mid, 2) <= x  < math.pow(mid + 1, 2)這種是錯的。

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