
2021-09-11 00:22:39 字數 1908 閱讀 6760


# kaoyan.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from copy import deepcopy

import scrapy

from scrapy.linkextractors import linkextractor

from scrapy.spiders import crawlspider, rule

class kaoyanspider(crawlspider):

name = 'kaoyan'

allowed_domains = ['kaoyan365.cn']

start_urls = ['']

rules = (

# 提取各個省份的url位址

rule(linkextractor(allow=r''), callback='parse_list',


)def parse_list(self, response):

# 提取各個大學名稱及鏈結

td_list = response.xpath('//div[@class="zg_list_left01_cont"]//td')

for td in td_list:

item = {}

item["university"] = td.xpath('.//text()').extract_first()

item["href"] = td.xpath('./a/@href').extract_first()

if item["href"]:

yield scrapy.request(




)def parse_university(self, response):

# 獲取網頁詳細內容

item = response.meta["item"]

item["content"] = response.xpath("//div[@class='zg_list_left01_cont']//text()").extract()

yield item

# pipelines.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# define your item pipelines here

## don't forget to add your pipeline to the item_pipelines setting

# see:

import re

class tiaojipipeline(object):

def process_item(self, item, spider):

# 寫入檔案

with open("考研調劑資訊.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as f:

f.write("***" + item["university"] + ":" + item["href"] + "\n")

# 清理無效資料


return item

def clear_item(self, content_list):


for content in content_list:

content = re.sub(r"u3000", "", content)

with open("考研調劑資訊.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as f:

f.write(content.strip() + "\n")

xpath案例 全國城市名爬取

usr bin python import requests from lxml import etree 專案需求 解析出所有的城市名稱 if name main headers url page text requests.get url url,headers headers text tre...


全國郵編的 我們這次是爬取 每乙個省裡面的所有郵編資訊 這裡要進行二次爬取,才能完全獲取完資料.import requests,re ip proxy 偽裝頭資訊 headers 根據正常跳轉獲取 分析 再進行拼接 url url response requests.get url,headers ...


乙個小小的爬蟲程式,練練手,沒什麼實際作用,希望疫情趕快過去。1.獲取url 經過尋找,發現包含疫情資料的url為 2.為了避免反爬,偽裝成瀏覽器 headers 3.最關鍵的一步,分析url,找到資料存放的規律 這些json資料看似雜亂無章,其實很好找到規律 如下 4.完成 import requ...