
2021-09-11 02:10:17 字數 2785 閱讀 3386



create table if not exists cpu_stat

(id bigint auto_increment primary key,

value char(25) not null,

user bigint,

nice bigint,

system bigint,

idle bigint,

iowait bigint,

irq bigint,

softirq bigint,

steal bigint,

guest bigint,

other bigint,

time datetime

);接著可以通過load data infile命令來載入/proc/stat檔案,但需要對其中一些數值進行轉化,命令如下所示:

load data infile '/proc/stat' ignore into table cpu_stat fields terminated by ' '

(@value, @val1, @val2, @val3, @val4, @val5, @val6, @val7, @val8, @val9, @val10)

setvalue = @value,

user = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val1, 0), ifnull(@val2, 0))),

nice = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val2, 0), ifnull(@val3, 0))),

system = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val3, 0), ifnull(@val4, 0))),

idle = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val4, 0), ifnull(@val5, 0))),

iowait = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val5, 0), ifnull(@val6, 0))),

irq = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val6, 0), ifnull(@val7, 0))),

softirq = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val7, 0), ifnull(@val8, 0))),

steal = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val8, 0), ifnull(@val9, 0))),

guest = if(@value not like 'cpu%', null, if(@value != 'cpu', ifnull(@val9, 0), ifnull(@val10, 0))),

other = if(@value not like 'cpu%', user + nice + system + idle + iowait + irq + softirq + steal + guest, @val1),

time = now();

接著可以設定乙個定時器來讓mysql資料庫自動地執行上述load data infile語句,這樣就會有每個時間點的cpu資訊被記錄到表cpu_stat。執行下述語句就可以得到每個時間點上cpu的使用情況。


100 * ((new.user - old.user)/(new.other - old.other)) user,

100 * ((new.nice - old.nice)/(new.other - old.other)) nice,

100 * ((new.system - old.system)/(new.other - old.other)) system,

100 * ((new.idle - old.idle)/(new.other - old.other)) idle,

100 * ((new.iowait - old.iowait)/(new.other - old.other)) iowait,

100 * ((new.irq - old.irq)/(new.other - old.other)) irq,

100 * ((new.softirq - old.softirq)/(new.other - old.other)) softirq,

100 * ((new.steal - old.steal)/(new.other - old.other)) steal,

100 * ((new.guest - old.guest)/(new.other - old.other)) guest,


from cpu_stat old, cpu_stat new

where new.id - 15 = old.id

and old.value = 'cpu'

and new.value = old.value;



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