
2021-09-11 03:02:02 字數 1297 閱讀 5770


新增.htaccess檔案  與index.php同級 

rewriteengine on

# if a directory or a file exists, use the request directly

rewritecond % !-f

rewritecond % !-d

# otherwise forward the request to index.php

rewriterule . index.php

servername public.oa.com

documentroot "d:\phpstudy\phptutorial\www\oa\frontend\web"

# use mod_rewrite for pretty url support

rewriteengine on

# if a directory or a file exists, use the request directly

rewritecond % !-f

rewritecond % !-d

# otherwise forward the request to index.php

rewriterule . index.php

# use index.php as index file

directoryindex index.php

# ...other settings...

# apache 2.4

require all granted

## apache 2.2

# order allow,deny

# allow from all

'urlmanager' => [


'enableprettyurl' => true,


'enablestrictparsing' => false,


'showscriptname' => false,

//偽靜態化 seo

'suffix' => '.html',


'rules' => [






YII 路由配置

偽靜態,通過設定server服務,做網域名稱位址的轉換工作。urlmanager位址美化,通過程式的方式實現位址美化工作。通過在主配置檔案裡配置元件來實現 components array uncomment the following to enable urls in path format u...


操作思路 未重寫路由 重寫之後 去掉index.php 基礎的偽靜態檔案規則寫法 htaccess 放在web目錄下即可 rewriteengine on rewritecond d 如果是乙個目錄或檔案,就訪問目錄和檔案 rewritecond f 如果檔案存在,就直接訪問檔案,不進行下面的rew...


配置元件主要包括 urlmanager官方文件介紹 從官網文件看到,urlmanager是乙個類,為什麼又把它稱為元件呢?先不用管,我們只需知道,要為元件指定類即可,如果沒有指定會報錯,除非該元件有預設類,哪些元件有預設類呢?就是核心元件,裝個b看下原始碼,以yii高階模板為例。pis 如無特別說明...