Rust Cargo使用總結

2021-09-11 09:02:53 字數 2079 閱讀 5537

文件列表見:rust 移動端跨平台複雜圖形渲染專案開發系列總結(目錄)

2018.12.23 更新cargo workspace feature編譯的命令執行路徑問題

cargo用於組織rust專案,比直接用rustc編譯多個原始檔更方便。本文件介紹我們開發過程中用到的cargo功能與小技巧。完整資訊可閱讀the cargo book。

rev表示要使用的commit id,可簡寫成前7個字元,因為git commit id前7個字元可算出完整的41個字元值。


gfx-hal =

// 或者寫成多行


git = ""

version = "0.1.0"

rev = "bd7f058efe78d7626a1cc6fbc0c1d3702fb6d2e7"




hello_utils =


path是相對於本專案cargo.toml檔案的被依賴專案的cargo.toml的位置,填錯將找不到檔案,且編譯報錯。詳細資訊參考the cargo book/specifying-dependencies

/// open the physical device with `count` queues from some active queue family. the family is

/// the first that both provides the capability `c`, supports at least `count` queues, and for

/// which `selector` returns true.

////// # examples

////// ```no_run

/// # extern crate gfx_backend_empty as empty;

/// # extern crate gfx_hal as hal;

/// use hal::general;

/// # fn main()

/// ```

////// # return

////// returns the same errors as `open` and `initializationfailed` if no suitable

/// queue family could be found.



( &self,

count: usize,

selector: f,

) -> result

<(b::device, queuegroup), devicecreationerror>


f: fn(&b::queuefamily) -> bool,

c: capability,


let priorities = vec![1.0; count];

let (id, families) = match requested_family ;

let gpu =;

ok((device, queues.take(id).unwrap()))



對於cargo workspace下有多個project的情況,如果對其中乙個project進行feature編譯執行或做單元測試,一定要在此專案的cargo.toml或src內執行,否則cargo會忽悠cargo test或cargo build --features=your_feature所指定的feature,這是個很小卻容易踩中的坑。

rust cargo 常用命令

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