原始碼探探之startActivity 二

2021-09-11 10:04:51 字數 4504 閱讀 8832



public final void schedulelaunchactivity(intent intent, ibinder token, int ident,

activityinfo info, configuration curconfig, configuration overrideconfig,

compatibilityinfo compatinfo, string referrer, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor,

int procstate, bundle state, persistablebundle persistentstate,

listpendingresults, listpendingnewintents,

boolean notresumed, boolean isforward, profilerinfo profilerinfo) 複製**


public void handlemessage(message msg)  break;複製**

private void handlelaunchactivity(activityclientrecord r, intent customintent, string reason) 

// 確保執行最新的配置

handleconfigurationchanged(null, null);

if (locallo**) slog.v(

tag, "handling launch of " + r);

// 建立activity之前初始化windowmanagerglobal,獲取iwindowmanger



activity a = performlaunchactivity(r, customintent);


if (a != null)

}} else catch (remoteexception ex)



private activity performlaunchactivity(activityclientrecord r, intent customintent) 


componentname component = r.intent.getcomponent();

if (component == null)


if (r.activityinfo.targetactivity != null)


activity activity = null;


} catch (exception e)


if (debug_configuration) slog.v(tag, "launching activity "

+ r.activityinfo.name + " with config " + config);

window window = null;

if (r.mpendingremovewindow != null && r.mpreservewindow)



r.embeddedid, r.lastnonconfigurationinstances, config,

r.referrer, r.voiceinteractor, window, r.configcallback);

if (customintent != null)

r.lastnonconfigurationinstances = null;


activity.mstartedactivity = false;

int theme = r.activityinfo.getthemeresource();


if (theme != 0)

activity.mcalled = false;


if (r.ispersistable()) else

if (!activity.mcalled)

r.activity = activity;

r.stopped = true;


if (!r.activity.mfinished)

if (!r.activity.mfinished)

} else

if (r.state != null)


if (!r.activity.mfinished) else

if (!activity.mcalled) }}

r.paused = true;

mactivities.put(r.token, r);

} catch (supernotcalledexception e) catch (exception e)

}return activity;





final void attach(context context, activitythread athread,

instrumentation instr, ibinder token, int ident,

charsequence title, activity parent, string id,

nonconfigurationinstances lastnonconfigurationinstances,

configuration config, string referrer, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor,

window window, activityconfigcallback activityconfigcallback)

if (info.uioptions != 0)


muithread = thread.currentthread();


mmainthread = athread;


minstrumentation = instr;

mtoken = token;

mident = ident;

mintent = intent;

mreferrer = referrer;

mcomponent = intent.getcomponent();

mactivityinfo = info;

mtitle = title;

mparent = parent;

membeddedid = id;

mlastnonconfigurationinstances = lastnonconfigurationinstances;

if (voiceinteractor != null) else



mtoken, mcomponent.flattentostring(),

(info.flags & activityinfo.flag_hardware_accelerated) != 0);

if (mparent != null)

mwindowmanager = mwindow.getwindowmanager();

mcurrentconfig = config;






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