
2021-09-11 16:52:56 字數 2532 閱讀 4490

[root@qhfax code]# smbpasswd -a nginx

new smb password:

retype new smb password:

added user nginx.

smbpasswd 屬於samba套件,能夠實現新增或刪除samba使用者和為使用者修改密碼







問題:smbpasswd samba

new smb password:

retype new smb password:

failed to find entry for user samba.


# smbpasswd  -a samba

new smb password:

retype new smb password:

failed to add entry for samba


vi /etc/samba/smb.conf 編輯smb.conf 檔案

將;security = share修改為 security user

這是因為沒有加相應的系統賬號,所以會提示failed to add entry for user的錯誤,只需增加相應的系統賬號test就可以了

useradd  nginx

[root@qhfax samba]# smbpasswd -a nginx

new smb password:

retype new smb password:

workgroup = linuxsir

netbios name = linuxsir05

server string = linux samba server testserver

security = share

client code page=936

display charset = utf-8

unix charset = utf-8

dos charset = utf-8

security = user 

encrypt passwords = yes

smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd


path = /log/abc

writeable = no

browseable = yes

guest ok = yes

補充:以上設定中,smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd檔案沒有生效,smbpasswd命令成功後,測試也是成功的,但是沒有寫入這個密碼檔案,最後通過查詢,原來密碼是儲存在這裡:

[root@qhfax samba]# ll /var/lib/samba/private

總用量 832

-rw------- 1 root root 421888 10月 10 10:07 passdb.tdb

-rw------- 1 root root 430080 4月   1 2015 secrets.tdb


net use * /del

#security = share

client code page=936

display charset = utf-8

unix charset = utf-8

dos charset = utf-8

passdb backend = tdbsam

security = user

encrypt passwords = yes

username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd


#admin user = dev

path = /sc_log/ali_log

writeable = no

browseable = yes

guest ok = no

valid users = dev


#admin user = dev

path = /sc_log/sc_code

writeable = no

browseable = yes

guest ok = no

valid users = dev


path = /upload/code

#admin users = test

valid users = test

writeable = yes

browseable = yes

guest ok = no

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