
2021-09-12 23:06:05 字數 466 閱讀 8527

dokuwiki setup error

the datadir ('pages') at ./data/pages is not found, isn't accessible or writable. you should check your config and permission settings. or maybe you want to run the installer?


chmod -r 777 data/

chmod -r 777 lib/

chmod -r 777 conf/



dokuwiki setup error the datadir pages at data pages is not found,isn t accessible or should check your config and permission settings.or...

dokuwiki 安裝與設定

dokuwiki 是一套不錯的wiki系統,適合在團隊內部做知識分享。2.解壓原始碼 tar zvxf dokuwiki stable.tgz cd dokuwiki 2014 09 29d cp r downloads dokuwiki 2014 09 29d dokuwiki 3.安裝前修改資料...

dokuwiki 安裝與設定

dokuwiki 是一套不錯的wiki系統,適合在團隊內部做知識分享。2.解壓原始碼 tar zvxf dokuwiki stable.tgz cd dokuwiki 2014 09 29d cp r downloads dokuwiki 2014 09 29d dokuwiki 3.安裝前修改資料...