sql server修改資料庫名稱

2021-09-14 06:05:48 字數 2201 閱讀 4348

use master



alter database hroa_i set single_user with rollback immediate

goexec master..sp_renamedb 'hroa_i','hp_oa'

goalter database hp_oa set multi_user

go-----------------2. 修改資料庫邏輯檔案名稱-----------------------------------

alter database hp_oa set single_user with rollback immediate

goalter database hp_oa modify file (name=n'hroa_i', newname=n'hp_oa')

goalter database hp_oa modify file (name=n'hroa_i_log', newname=n'hp_oa_log')

goalter database hp_oa set multi_user


use master

gosp_configure 'show advanced options',1

goreconfigure with override

gosp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1

goreconfigure with override

go------------------- 重新命名資料庫物理檔名稱-------

alter database hp_oa set offline with rollback immediate

go---d:\rj\mssqlserver\sql server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\data

--d:\rj\mssqlserver\sql server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\data

exec xp_cmdshell 'rename "d:\rj\mssqlserver\sql server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\data\hroa_i.mdf", "hp_oa.mdf"'

goexec xp_cmdshell 'rename "d:\rj\mssqlserver\sql server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\data\hroa_i_log.ldf", "hp_oa_log.ldf"'

go--- 將資料庫邏輯名稱指向新的物理檔案,並將資料庫online

alter database hp_oa modify file (name =hp_oa, filename = 'd:\rj\mssqlserver\sql server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\data\hp_oa.mdf')

goalter database hp_oa modify file (name =hp_oa_log, filename = 'd:\rj\mssqlserver\sql server\mssql11.mssqlserver\mssql\data\hp_oa_log.ldf')

goalter database hp_oa set online


select name as [logical name], physical_name as [db file path],type_desc as [file type],

state_desc as [state] from sys.master_files

where database_id = db_id(n'hp_oa')

go------step 8 : 關閉xp_cmdshell支援

sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 0

goreconfigure with override

gosp_configure 'show advanced options',0

goreconfigure with override


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