Linux 常用命令

2021-09-16 14:25:18 字數 2408 閱讀 5192

這篇筆記是筆者整理的一些簡單有用的 linux 命令,供平時查閱。

# change file mod

chmod +rwx file

chmod 777 file

# 數字模式是使用二進位制計算出來的,三位分別代表 owner,group,others,4 - r, w - 2, x - 1,則 7 = 4 + 2 + 1 = rwx

chown -c root ./hello.txt # change owner to root

chgrp -c root ./hello.txt # change group to root

# change login shell:


# or edit /etc/passwd.

# get /etc/passwd file in cygwin system:

mkpasswd -c | sed -e 'sx/bashx/zshx' | tee -a /etc/passwd

# 顯示文字檔案,展示,檢視檔案開頭部分,檢視檔案尾

cat file | less

head file

tail file

# find [path] [expr]

find /var /usr -name "*.pdf" # use -iname to ignore a or a

find /var -name "*.pdf" -a "*.txt" # -a means and

find /var -name "*.pdf" -type d # d means dir

find /var -name "*.pdf" -size +100c # +100c means more than 100 chars.

find .name "*.sh" ­-type f ­-exec cat {} \; # run `cat` for all finded files.

find . -type f -mmin -10 # any file changed in passed 10 minute.

find . -ctime -10 # change time, by day. ctime = change time, mtime = modified time, atime = access time.

locale # like find, but much speeder becase of using a datebase(update once perday).

# search bin file path in path

which progname

# search bin file path in system

whereis progname

apropos # 尋找具有 *** 功能的命令

type cmd # make sure where a cmd from, bash or exec.

ln source_file target_dir

# make soft link:

ln -s source_file_or_dir target_dir

tar -cvf to_filename form_dir # 自動識別字尾名壓縮

tar -tvf filename # 自動識別字尾名瀏覽檔案內容

tar -xvf filename # 自動識別字尾名解壓

# tar 其他選項: c:建立,x:解壓,t:檢視

# !!! very useful !!!

# also work on mac

# check finder's disk usage

du -sh ./*

userdel username

useradd username

groupadd groupname

groupdel groupname

ps # list all process 

top # an interact program to manage process

lsof # list opened files

kill 234 # kill a process by pid

nice # run a program with modified scheduling priority

renice # alter priority of running process

history # command history

id # my uid gid etc.

fsck.ext4 -p /dev/sdb1 # rapair ext4 file system


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linux 常用命令

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