nodejs 日誌外掛程式比較 VS 自定義日誌外掛程式

2021-09-17 02:19:03 字數 1478 閱讀 7213

"use strict";

var path = require('path')

, log4js = require('../lib/log4js');


, ,


var logger = log4js.getlogger('things');

logger.debug("this little thing went to market");"this little thing stayed at home");

logger.error("this little thing had roast beef");

logger.fatal("this little thing had none");

logger.trace("and this little thing went wee, wee, wee, all the way home.");


var path = require('path');

var fs = require('fs');

var rfs = require('rotating-file-stream');

var logdirectory = __dirname;

function wpad(num)

/** * [wgenerator 建立檔名函式]

* @author wdd

* @datetime 2017-02-22t10:13:39+0800

* 日誌會保留乙個月的:因為日誌檔名是只使用日期,9月8號的日誌就會覆蓋8月8號的日誌

* 檔案的格式是gzip

* 檔名例如:22-log.gizp

*/function wgenerator(time, index)

return "/storage/"+ wpad(time.getdate()) +"-log.txt.gzip";

}var accesslogstream = rfs(wgenerator, );

/** * [exports description]

* @author wdd

* @datetime 2017-02-22t10:24:06+0800

* 使用方式:

* 1. 安裝rotating-file-stream

* 2. 在根目錄下建立乙個資料夾,例如logs。然後把access-log.js放進去

* 5. 日誌檔案會自動生成在./logs/storage資料夾下面,當天的日誌會儲存在暫存的./logs/temp-log.gzip裡

*/module.exports = function(req, res, next));




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