kingshard SQL黑名單功能介紹

2021-09-19 10:41:48 字數 3151 閱讀 5290


dba定義一些比較危險的sql,放在sql黑名單檔案中。可以避免前端應用發過來的sql對資料庫造成危害。這種sql有可能是開發者粗心編寫的,也有可能是被sql注入生成的sql。例如:delete from mytable,這種不帶where條件的sql,會把整個表刪除。

在kingshard專案上線後,通過log發現存在大量某條sql給db造成了很大的壓力。這時候可以動態地將這條sql加入黑名單,阻止該sql的執行,從而使資料庫壓力降低。例如:select count(*) from mytable where ***x,這類sql如果沒有優化得當,是很容易造成系統的io過高的。


blacklist_sql_file: /users/flike/blacklist


select c from t where id=1

select c from t where id=?

select * from prices.rt_5min where id=1

select * from prices.rt_5min where id=?

select null, 5.001, 5001. from foo

select ?, ?, ? from foo

select 'hello', '\nhello\n', \"hello\", '\\'' from foo

select ?, ?, ?, ? from foo

select 'hello'\n

select ?

select * from t where (base.nid in ('1412', '1410', '1411'))

select * from t where (base.nid in(?+))

select * from foo where a in (5) and b in (5, 8,9 ,9 , 10)

select * from foo where a in(?+) and b in(?+)

select * from foo limit 5

select * from foo limit ?

select * from foo limit 5, 10

select * from foo limit ?, ?

select * from foo limit 5 offset 10

select * from foo limit ? offset ?

insert into t (ts) values (now())

insert into t (ts) values(?+)

insert into foo(a, b, c) values(2, 4, 5)

insert into foo(a, b, c) values(?+)

call foo(1, 2, 3)

call foo

load data infile '/tmp/foo.txt' into db.tbl

load data infile ? into db.tbl

administrator command: init db

administrator command: init db

use `foo`

use ?


select count(*) from test_shard_hash where id > ?

select count(*) from test_shard_range

select * from world

delete from world


mysql> select * from world;

error 1105 (hy000): sql in blacklist.

mysql> select * from world where a > 0;


| a | b |


| 10 | 23 |

| 45 | 565 |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delete from world;

error 1105 (hy000): sql in blacklist.

mysql> delete from world where a =10;

query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


mysql> select count(*) from test_shard_hash where id >1;


| count(*) |


| 24 |


1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from test_shard_hash where id > 1;

error 1105 (hy000): sql in blacklist.


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