C 簡訊傳送介面原始碼

2021-09-19 13:01:02 字數 2975 閱讀 7768



var result = issendcaptchatooquick(mobile);

if (result != -1 && result < 120)


string yzmnum = new random().next(100000, 1000000).tostring();



string templateids = ;

string res = sendsms(mobile, yzmnum, templateids[type - 1]);


addsmslog("", mobile, "您本次的驗證碼為" + yzmnum + ",120秒有效", res, yzmnum);

commonhelper.writejson("ok", "成功");

}#region 傳送簡訊

/// /// 傳送簡訊


/// the mobile.

/// the content.


public string sendsms(string mobile, string yzmnum, string templateid)


stringcontent sc = new stringcontent(str);


}/// /// 判斷手機驗證碼是否傳送頻繁




protected virtual double issendcaptchatooquick(string mobile)

string sql = @"select top 1 createdon from smslog where smstype=0 and reciever = @reciever and [returnval]='000000'

order by createdon desc";

sqlhelper helper = new sqlhelper("qpaccountsdbconnstr");

var createdon = helper.executescalar(sql, new sqlparameter() );

if (createdon != null)

return -1;

}/// /// 新增簡訊日誌


/// 沒用

/// 手機號

/// 沒用

/// 介面返回的資料,這個介面000000表示正確

/// 傳送的驗證碼

private void addsmslog(string sender, string reciever, string content,

string returnval = null, string smsvalue = null)


var sql = @"

insert into [smslog]




sqlhelper helper = new sqlhelper("qpaccountsdbconnstr");

int count = helper.executenonquery(sql, parameters);


#region 驗證簡訊

private void verificationsms(string mobile, string smscode, int type)

, new sqlparameter() , new sqlparameter() );

if (createdon != null)




public bool isreusable}}


PHP元件原始碼 簡訊傳送

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