
2021-09-19 13:46:52 字數 1173 閱讀 4790

1.程式報錯:feed的值不能是乙個tensor,只能是標量、字串、列表、陣列等,所以不能用tf.reshape, 應該使用np.reshape。

with tf.session() as sess:


v_x = tf.reshape(mnist.validation.images, [mnist.validation.num_examples, 28, 28, 1])

t_x = tf.reshape(mnist.test.images, [mnist.test.num_examples, 28, 28, 1])

validate_feed =

test_feed =

typeerror: the value of a feed cannot be a tf.tensor object.

acceptable feed values include python scalars, strings, lists, numpy ndarrays, or tensorhandles.


# 將輸出矩陣拉伸成乙個向量

pool_shape = pool2.get_shape().as_list() # 只有tensor能用get_shape,as_list將元組轉換為列表

nodes = pool_shape[1]*pool_shape[2]*pool_shape[3]

reshaped = tf.reshape(pool2, [pool_shape[0], nodes])

typeerror: failed to convert object of type to tensor.

pool_shape = pool2.get_shape().as_list()   

nodes = pool_shape[1]*pool_shape[2]*pool_shape[3]

reshaped = tf.contrib.slim.flatten(pool2)


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