
2021-09-20 01:14:22 字數 2238 閱讀 3008

1.1 建立表&建立文字檔案

create table  fantj.t3(id int,name string,age int) row format delimited fields terminated by ','stored as textfile;
hive> create table  fantj.t3(id int,name string,age int) row format delimited fields terminated by ','stored as textfile;

oktime taken: 4.467 seconds

hive> select * from fantj.t3;

oktime taken: 2.82 seconds








1.2 從本地匯入到hive

load data local inpath '/home/fantj/test.txt' overwrite into table t3;

hive> load data local inpath '/home/fantj/test.txt' overwrite into table fantj.t3;

loading data to table fantj.t3

[warning] could not update stats.

oktime taken: 26.334 seconds

select * from fantj.t3;

hive> select * from fantj.t3;

ok1 jiao 18

2 fantj 20

3 laowang 30

4 laotie 40

time taken: 2.303 seconds, fetched: 4 row(s)


1.3 從hdfs匯入到hive


[root@s166 fantj]# hadoop fs -put test.txt /hdfs2hive

-rw-r--r--   3 root supergroup         46    /hdfs2hive/test.txt
create table  fantj.t5(id int,name string,age int) row format delimited fields terminated by ','stored as textfile;
hive> create table  fantj.t5(id int,name string,age int) row format delimited fields terminated by ','stored as textfile;

oktime taken: 3.214 seconds


load data inpath '/hdfs2hive/test.txt' overwrite into table fantj.t5;

hive> load data inpath '/hdfs2hive/test.txt' overwrite into table fantj.t5;

loading data to table fantj.t5

[warning] could not update stats.

oktime taken: 25.498 seconds


hive> select * from fantj.t5;

ok1 jiao 18

2 fantj 20

3 laowang 30

4 laotie 40

time taken: 5.046 seconds, fetched: 4 row(s)

Hive 常用操作

hive f script.q 可以直接執行在指令碼中的命令 hive e select from users 直接執行sql語句 hive s e select from users 靜默的方式執行,不顯示輸入資訊只顯示輸出結果 hive v 將會列印所執行的sql語句 hive h 192.16...

hive 常用操作

1。建立表 內部表 create table ifnot exists hibernate.student id string age string name string row format delimited fields terminated by t 外部表create external ...


1.1 建立表 建立文字檔案create table fantj.t3 id int,name string,age int row format delimited fields terminated by stored as textfile hive create table fantj.t3...