SQL Server 2000查詢n到m條記錄

2021-09-21 11:15:50 字數 911 閱讀 4781

sql server 2000查詢n到m條記錄?

(1)select top m * from tablename where id not in (select top n id from tablename)


select top m * into 

臨時表(或表變數) from tablename order by columnname -- 將top m筆插入

set rowcount n

select * from 

表變數 order by columnname desc


select top n * from

(select top m * from tablename order by columnname) 

order by columnname desc


select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename


select * from #temp where id0 >=n and id0 <= m

如果你在執行select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename這條語句的時候報錯,那是因為你    的 db中間的select into/bulkcopy屬性沒有開啟要先執行:

exec sp_dboption 

你的db名字,'select into/bulkcopy',true


select * from tablename where identity col between n and m

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