
2021-09-21 18:22:24 字數 3060 閱讀 3740


1 tldr 介紹

2 tldr命令安裝

3 使用該命令

4 檢視該命令的幫助資訊

今天發現了乙個好玩的命令,該命令會根據二八原則給出命令的常用場景示例,支援在近20種語言環境下執行,通過tldr --update更新本地命令庫。什麼--help和man都弱爆了。興奮的我不行不行的,與大家分享一下,把節省的時間去聊妹子吧



# npm install -g tldr

/home/xiaoxu/node-v10.9.0-linux-x64/bin/tldr -> /home/xiaoxu/node-v10.9.0-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/tldr/bin/tldr

+ [email protected]

added 113 packages from 103 contributors in 16.052s

# tldr tar

tararchiving utility.

often combined with a compression method, such as gzip or bzip.

- create an archive from files:

tar -cf target.tar file1 file2 file3

- create a gzipped archive:

tar -czf target.tar.gz file1 file2 file3

- extract an archive in a target directory:

tar -xf source.tar -c directory

- extract a gzipped archive in the current directory:

tar -xzf source.tar.gz

- extract a bzipped archive in the current directory:

tar -xjf source.tar.bz2

- create a compressed archive, using archive suffix to determine the compression program:

tar -caf target.tar.xz file1 file2 file3

- list the contents of a tar file:

tar -tvf source.tar

- extract files matching a pattern:

tar -xf source.tar --wildcards "*.html"

# tldr -h

usage: tldr command [options]

simplified and community-driven man pages


-v, --version output the version number

-l, --list list all commands for the chosen platform in the cache

-a, --list-all list all commands in the cache

-1, --single-column list single command per line (use with options -l or -a)

-r, --random show a random command

-e, --random-example show a random example

-f, --render [file] render a specific markdown [file]

-m, --markdown output in markdown format

-o, --os [type] override the operating system [linux, osx, sunos]

--linux override the operating system with linux

--osx override the operating system with osx

--sunos override the operating system with sunos

-t, --theme [theme] color theme (******, base16, ocean)

-s, --search [keywords] search pages using keywords

-u, --update update the local cache

-c, --clear-cache clear the local cache

-h, --help output usage information


$ tldr tar

$ tldr du --os=linux

$ tldr --search "create symbolic link to file"

$ tldr --list

$ tldr --list-all

$ tldr --random

$ tldr --random-example

to control the cache:

$ tldr --update

$ tldr --clear-cache

to render a local file (for testing):

$ tldr --render /path/to/

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