5 7 使用者 角色認證

2021-09-22 18:59:39 字數 3966 閱讀 5488


create table `staff` (

`id` int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '員工id',

`name` varchar(50) not null comment '員工名字',

primary key (`id`)




insert into `staff` (`id`, `name`) values

(1, 'neo'),

(2, 'luke'),

(2, 'jack');

staff 是員工表與下面的staff_has_role配合使用,形成員工與許可權一對多關係。

create table `staff_has_role` (

`id` int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,

`staff_id` int(10) unsigned not null comment '員工id',

`role` enum('create','update','delete') not null comment '角色',

primary key (`id`),

index `fk_staff_has_role_staff` (`staff_id`),

constraint `fk_staff_has_role_staff` foreign key (`staff_id`) references `staff` (`id`) on update cascade on delete cascade



insert into `staff_has_role` (`id`, `staff_id`, `role`) values

(1, 1, 'create'),

(2, 1, 'delete'),

(3, 1, 'update'),

(4, 2, 'delete'),

(5, 3, 'create');

(6, 3, 'update');


create table `product` (

`id` int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '唯一id',

`name` varchar(10) not null comment '名稱',

`sn` varchar(10) not null comment '序列號',

`price` float not null comment '**',

`amount` smallint(6) not null comment '數量',

`staff_id` int(10) unsigned not null comment '員工id',

`ctime` timestamp not null default current_timestamp comment '建立時間',

`mtime` timestamp null default null on update current_timestamp comment '修改時間',

primary key (`id`),

unique index `sn` (`sn`),

index `fk_product_staff` (`staff_id`),

constraint `fk_product_staff` foreign key (`staff_id`) references `staff` (`id`)






create definer=`root`@`%` trigger `product_before_delete` before delete on `product` for each row begin

if not exists(select id from staff where id=old.staff_id and role="delete") then

signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = 'permission denied', mysql_errno = 1001;

end if;

endcreate definer=`root`@`%` trigger `product_before_insert` before insert on `product` for each row begin

if not exists(select id from staff where id=new.staff_id and role="create") then

signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = "the staff's role is not correct or it does not exist.", mysql_errno = 1001;

end if;

endcreate definer=`root`@`%` trigger `product_before_update` before update on `product` for each row begin

if not exists(select id from staff where id=new.staff_id and role="update") then

signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = "the staff's role cannot update data.", mysql_errno = 1001;

end if;


neo 測試如下

insert into `test`.`product` (`name`, `sn`, `price`, `amount`, `staff_id`, `ctime`) values ('iphone', '678624', '5000', '77', '1', '2010-08-18 15:38:23');

select last_insert_id();

update `test`.`product` set `name`='htc', `sn`='5544467', `price`='2000' where `id`=2;

delete from `test`.`product` where `id`=1;

luke 測試如下:

insert into `test`.`product` (`name`, `sn`, `price`, `amount`, `staff_id`) values ('nokia', '65722', '800', '55', '2');

/* sql錯誤(1001):the staff's role is not correct or it does not exist. */

update `test`.`product` set `name`='htc', `sn`='5544467', `price`='2000', staff_id=2 where `id`=2;

/* sql錯誤(1001):the staff's role cannot update data. */

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