C 時間相關的介面

2021-09-22 23:50:40 字數 1288 閱讀 6901



var time = datetime.now

;var year = time.year

;string day = new string ;

int weeknow = convert.toint32(time.dayofweek);

string week = day[convert.toint32(weeknow.tostring("d"))].tostring();

gregoriancalendar gc = new gregoriancalendar();

int weekofyear = gc.getweekofyear(time, calendarweekrule.firstday, dayofweek.monday);

int daydiff = (-1) * weeknow;

string firstday = time.adddays(daydiff).tostring("yyyy-mm-dd");

var month = time.month

;var day = time.day

;debug.logerror(string.format("日期:.", month, day));

datetime startweek = time.adddays(1 - convert.toint32(time.dayofweek

.tostring("d"))); //本週周一

datetime endweek = startweek.adddays(6); //本週週日

debug.logerror(string.format("本週第一天: 最後一天:", startweek, endweek));

datetime nexeweekfirstday = startweek.adddays(-7);

debug.logerror(string.format("上一周的第一天:", nexeweekfirstday));


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