
2021-10-01 08:01:47 字數 2257 閱讀 4595



#sword make 160518


## array1 普通資訊

## array2 警告資訊

## array3 一般問題

## array4 嚴重問題

## array5 災難


#set -x

now=`date +%s`

fix=`expr $now - 86400`

now1=`date -d @$ +"%f %r"`

fix1=`date -d @$ +"%f %r"`

echo $now $now1

echo $fix $fix1

myconn="mysql -uzabbix -pmysql,123 zabbix"

#result=`$ -e "select objectid from events where value=1 and objectid >10000 and clock>=$ and clock<=$ order by clock desc limit 100" | grep -v "objectid"`

result=`$ -e "select objectid from events where source=0 and value=1 and objectid >10000 and clock>=$ and clock<=$ order by clock desc" | grep -v "objectid"`

resultack=`$ -e "select count(clock) from events where value=1 and objectid >10000 and clock>=$ and clock<=$ and acknowledged=1"| grep -v "count"`

i=0for trid in $;do

pro=`$ -e "select priority from triggers t where ((t.triggerid between 000000000000000 and 099999999999999)) and (t.triggerid in($))"| grep -v priority`

case $pro in

1) array1[$i]=$;;

2) array2[$i]=$;;

3) array3[$i]=$;;

4) array4[$i]=$;;

5) array5[$i]=$;;

*) error[$i]=$;;


i=`expr $i + 1`




#mobile=('138*****' '138*****' '138*****' '138*****')

#for ((j=0;j<$;j++));do


#/usr/local/zabbix/bin/sendsms_pro.php $ notitle $ | 2>&1


echo $message


time1=`date +%f`

export zabbixemailto=***@***.***,***@***.***

export zabbixsubject=jlr監控總結$

export zabbixbody=$

export [email protected]

export [email protected]

export smtppass=

/usr/bin/printf "%b" "$zabbixbody" | mailx -s "$zabbixsubject" -r $smtpserver $zabbixemailto

crontab -e 加入計畫任務

0 8 * * *  /usr/bin/sh /opt/ &>/dev/null


1 安裝郵件傳送工具mailx yum y install mailx2 檢視版本 root zabbix 100 101 mailx v 12.5 7 5 10 3 配置maix vi etc mail.rc set from 1111 set smtp smtp.exmail.qq...

zabbix之告警雜談 釘釘告警

一 註冊釘釘企業號,並找到傳送資訊最重要的三個引數corpid corpsecret agentid 2.檢視corpid corpsecret 在釘釘電腦版上,左下角 管理 登入管理平台 輸入管理密碼 在 企業應用 工作台設定 中可以檢視corpid和corpsecret 3.新增微應用,成功後可...


為了伺服器的安全,需要知道是否有異常的ip通過ssh登入到我們的伺服器,以便我們及時防禦入侵。bin bash export path usr local sbin usr local bin sbin bin usr sbin usr bin grep ie ubuntu debin elemen...