Oracle 建立使用者,並賦於唯讀某幾張表的許可權

2021-10-01 14:10:47 字數 732 閱讀 6021


create user kms identified by "123123";

grant connect to kms;


grant select on a.table1 to kms;

grant select on a.table2 to kms;

grant select on a.table3 to kms;

#建立同義詞  (注意:如果不建立同義詞,那麼kms使用者查詢表時,必須使用a.table這類的寫法,不能直接用table.)

grant create synonym to kms;

create or replace synonym kms.table1 for a.table1;

create or replace synonym kms.table2 for a.table2;

create or replace synonym kms.table3 for a.table3;



select * from dba_tab_privs where grantee='kms';


進入資料庫 su oracle sqlplus as sysdba 建立唯讀使用者 create user kms identified by 123 456 grant connect to kms 給表賦予許可權 grant select on productline to kms...


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