按鍵精靈 關於視窗無響應 卡屏狀態的判斷判定

2021-10-01 15:37:35 字數 1426 閱讀 8764


hwnd = plugin.window.find(0, "無")

traceprint hwnd

do i=0'視窗正常,次數歸零

traceprint "視窗正常"



if i = 60 then'如果視窗未響應60次,就彈出視窗

msgbox "視窗未響應"

end if

end if

delay 1000




hwnd = plugin.window.mousepoint()

do delay 30000

b = plugin.bkgnd.getpixelcolor(hwnd,150,5)

delay 30000

c = plugin.bkgnd.getpixelcolor(hwnd,150,5)

delay 30000

d = plugin.bkgnd.getpixelcolor(hwnd,150,5)

delay 30000

e = plugin.bkgnd.getpixelcolor(hwnd,150,5)

if b = c and d = e then

messagebox "檢查指令碼"

end if




declare function findwindow lib "user32" alias "findwindowa" (byval lpclassname as string, byval lpwindowname as string) as long

declare function sendmessagetimeout lib "user32" alias "sendmessagetimeouta" (byval hwnd as long, byval msg as long, byval wparam as long, byval lparam as long, byval fuflags as long, byval utimeout as long, lpdwresult as long) as long

cjb = findwindow(vbnullstring, 要檢測程序窗體的標題名)

qqq = sendmessagetimeout(cjb, wm_null, 0, 0, smto_abortifhung and smto_block, 3000, lngresult)

if qqq = 0 then

traceprint "程序不正常"


traceprint "程序正常"

end if

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