
2021-10-01 20:12:00 字數 2795 閱讀 5908

create database if not exists db_name default charset utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci;

if not exists 的使用強制在不存在資料庫的情況下執行命令。

use db_name;
drop database if exists db_name;
if exists 的使用可以避免刪除不存在的資料庫時出現的錯誤資訊

# 匯出資料庫db_name中的全部表

mysqldump -uroot -p --default-character-set=utf8 db_name > db_name.sql

# 匯出資料庫db_name中的table_name1和table_name2

mysqldump -uroot -p db_name table_name1 table_name2 > db_name.sql

# 選擇資料庫

use db_name;

# 匯入資料

source db_name.sql

create user user_name@localhost identified by 'user_pwd';

or create user user_name@'%' identified by 'user_pwd';

grant all privileges on db_name.* to user_name@localhost;

flush privileges;


grant select,insert,update,delete on db_name.* to user_name@'%' identified by 'user_password';

flush privileges;

grant select,insert,update on db_name.table_name to user_name@'%';

flush privileges;

grant show view on db_name.view_name to user_name@'%';

flush privileges;

revoke all privileges on db_name.* from user_name@localhost;

flush privileges;

use mysql 

update user set password=password('newpassword') where user='user_name';

flush privileges;

orupdate mysql.user set password=password('newpassword') where user='test1' and host='localhost';

flush privileges;

delete from user where user='user_name' and host='localhost';

flush privileges;

alter table table_name change `old_col_name` `new_col_name` char(16) default null;


alter table table_name modify `col_name` int(11) default 0;
更新後欄位:col_name的型別為: int(11) default 0;

alter table table_name add column `new_col_name` int(11);

alter table table_name drop column `col_name`;

select * from tables t where t.table_schema='db_name';

select * from tables t where t.table_schema='db_name' and t.table_name like 't_%';


mysql常用語句 MySQL常用語句

create table student id int primary key auto increment comment 學號 name varchar 200 comment 姓名 age int comment 年齡 comment 學生資訊 修改表注釋 alter table studen...

php mysql 常用語句 mysql常用語句

一 修改mysql使用者密碼 mysql h localhost u root p 命令列登入 update user set password password 123456 where user root 二 資料庫操作 show databases 顯示資料庫 create database ...


and和or可以混用,and比or具有更高的優先順序,但盡量使用圓括號區分 自動過濾重複的資料owner,關鍵字distinct select distinct owner from pet 按照生日公升序排列,關鍵字order by select name,birth from pet order...