公司部門英文縮寫簡稱大全 1

2021-10-02 00:17:01 字數 2731 閱讀 5159

總公司 head office

分公司 branch office

營業部 business office

人事部 personnel department

人力資源部 human resources department

總務部 general affairs department

財務部 general accounting department

銷售部 sales department

**部 sales promotion department

國際部 international department

出口部 export department

進口部 import department

公共關係 public relations department

廣告部 advertising department

企劃部 planning department

產品開發部 product development department

研發部 research and development department(r&d)

秘書室 secretarial pool

採購部 purchasing department

工程部 engineering department

行政部 admin. department

人力資源部 hr department

市場部 marketing department

技術部 technolog department

客服部 service department

行政部: administration

財務部 financial department

總經理室、direcotor, or president

副總經理室、deputy director, or vice president

總經辦、general deparment

採購部、purchase & order department

工程部、engineering deparment

研發部、research deparment

生產部、productive department

銷售部、sales deparment

廣東業務部、gd branch deparment

無線事業部、wireless industry department

拓展部 business expending department

物供部、supply department

b&d business and development 業務拓展部

marketing 市場部

sales 銷售部

hr 人力資源部

account 會計部

pr people relationship 公共關係部

ofc (office, 但不常見) / omb = office of management and budget 辦公室

finance 財務部

mktg (marketing) 市場部

r&d (research & development) 研發部

mfg (manufacturing) 產品部

administration dept. 管理部

purchasing  dept 採購部

chairman/president office // gerneral manager office or gm office 總經理辦公室

monitor & support department 監事會

strategy research 戰略研究部






外銷部: overseas department,international sales section,export section

財務科:financial/fiscal department

黨支部:communist party office

會議室:meeting room/hall/auditorium,或conference hall/auditorium或直接auditorium, 視其大小而定了。

會客室:reception lounge/room/house,或meeting room或guest room

質檢科:back-check section/department,quality-inspection/quality control department

內銷部:domestic sales section/department

廠長室:miller/director/president' office( 這很取決於你們廠的型別和規模)

行政科:administration section/department,service section

技術部:technology section


生產科:production/processing section


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