
2021-10-02 08:10:22 字數 3360 閱讀 5618



* rsa金鑰資訊生成工具類

*/public class rsaencrypt2048 catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e)

// 初始化金鑰對生成器,金鑰大小為96-1024位

keypairgen.initialize(init_key_size, new securerandom());

// 生成乙個金鑰對,儲存在keypair中

keypair keypair = keypairgen.generatekeypair();

return keypair; }

/*** 私鑰解密過程

** @param privatekey 私鑰

* @param cipherdata 密文資料

* @return 明文

* @throws exception 解密過程中的異常資訊

*/public static byte decrypt(rsaprivatekey privatekey, string cipherdata)

throws exception

cipher cipher = null;

//byte encrypteddata= cipherdata.getbytes();

try else

out.write(cache, 0, cache.length);


offset = i * max_decrypt_block;

}byte encrypteddata = out.tobytearray();


// byte output = cipher.dofinal(encryptinfo);

return encrypteddata;

} catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) catch (nosuchpaddingexception e) catch (invalidkeyexception e) catch (illegalblocksizeexception e) catch (badpaddingexception e)


* 公鑰解密過程

** @param publickey 公鑰

* @param cipherdata 密文資料

* @return 明文

* @throws exception 解密過程中的異常資訊

*/public static byte decrypt(rsapublickey publickey, string cipherdata)

throws exception

cipher cipher = null;

try else

out.write(cache, 0, cache.length);


offset = i * max_decrypt_block;

}byte encrypteddata = out.tobytearray();


return encrypteddata;

} catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) catch (nosuchpaddingexception e) catch (invalidkeyexception e) catch (illegalblocksizeexception e) catch (badpaddingexception e)

}public static rsaprivatekey loadprivatekeybystr(string privatekeystr)

throws exception catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) catch (invalidkeyspecexception e) catch (nullpointerexception e)


* 從字串中載入公鑰

** @param publickeystr 公鑰資料字串

* @throws exception 載入公鑰時產生的異常

*/public static rsapublickey loadpublickeybystr(string publickeystr)

throws exception catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) catch (invalidkeyspecexception e) catch (nullpointerexception e)


* 從檔案中輸入流中載入公鑰

** @throws exception 載入公鑰時產生的異常

* @para path 公鑰輸入流

*/public static string loadpublickeybyfile(string path) throws exception


return sb.tostring();

} catch (ioexception e) catch (nullpointerexception e)


* 公鑰加密過程

** @param publickey 公鑰

* @param plaintextdata 明文資料

* @return

* @throws exception 加密過程中的異常資訊

*/public static byte encrypt(rsapublickey publickey, string plaintextdata)

throws exception

cipher cipher = null;

try else

out.write(cache, 0, cache.length);


offset = i * max_encrypt_block;

}encryptinfo = out.tobytearray();


// byte output = cipher.dofinal(plaintextdata.getbytes());

return encryptinfo;

} catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) catch (nosuchpaddingexception e) catch (invalidkeyexception e) catch (illegalblocksizeexception e) catch (badpaddingexception e)


RSA 加密解密使用例項

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C 使用RSA證書檔案加密和解密示例

修改msdn上的示例,使之可以通過rsa證書檔案加密和解密,中間遇到乙個小問題。q 執行exportparameters 方法時,回報cryptographicexception 該項不適於在指定狀態下使用 key not valid for use in specified state a 匯入帶...