
2021-10-02 21:59:20 字數 3487 閱讀 4950



select concat(  'alter table ', table_name,  'rename to ', table_name,  ';' ) from information_schema.tables where table_name like  'shiyong_%'


selectconcat( 'altertable',table_name,' rename to ',replace(table_name,'shiyong_','qun_'),';') from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'qun' andtable_namelike 'shiyong_%';


altertableshiyong_addresses rename to qun_addresses;

altertableshiyong_admin rename to qun_admin;

altertableshiyong_admin_all rename to qun_admin_all;

altertableshiyong_answer rename to qun_answer;

altertableshiyong_ask rename to qun_ask;

altertableshiyong_bind1 rename to qun_bind1;

altertableshiyong_city rename to qun_city;

altertableshiyong_collection rename to qun_collection;

altertableshiyong_dianpu rename to qun_dianpu;

altertableshiyong_en_home3 rename to qun_en_home3;

altertableshiyong_en_home4 rename to qun_en_home4;

altertableshiyong_en_links rename to qun_en_links;

altertableshiyong_en_list2 rename to qun_en_list2;

altertableshiyong_en_list3 rename to qun_en_list3;

altertableshiyong_en_list4 rename to qun_en_list4;

altertableshiyong_en_list5 rename to qun_en_list5;

altertableshiyong_en_list6 rename to qun_en_list6;

altertableshiyong_en_list7 rename to qun_en_list7;

altertableshiyong_en_tree rename to qun_en_tree;

altertableshiyong_en_trees rename to qun_en_trees;

altertableshiyong_excel2 rename to qun_excel2;

altertableshiyong_home3 rename to qun_home3;

altertableshiyong_jiaoyou rename to qun_jiaoyou;

altertableshiyong_jilu rename to qun_jilu;

altertableshiyong_letters rename to qun_letters;

altertableshiyong_links rename to qun_links;

altertableshiyong_list2 rename to qun_list2;

altertableshiyong_list3 rename to qun_list3;

altertableshiyong_list4 rename to qun_list4;

altertableshiyong_list5 rename to qun_list5;



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