
2021-10-03 03:47:32 字數 1973 閱讀 7897

background_pos =

distance_to_time_ratio =1.35

screenshot_path = tempfile.gettempdir()+"/screenshot.png"

def calculate_jump_distance():

im =image.open(screenshot_pate)

baxkround_rgb = im.getpixel(background_pos)

role_pos_list = none

vertex1_pos = none

block_background_rgb = none

vertex2_pos = none

role_line_flag = true

for y in range(background_pos[1], im.height):

if role_pos_list and role_line_flag:


role_line_flag = true

vertex2_line_flag = true

for x in range(background_pos[0], im.width):

current_rgb = im.getpixel((x, y))

next_rgb = im.getpixel((x + 1, y)) if x + 1 < im.width else (0, 0, 0)

# 識別頂點1

if x > background_pos[0] and y > background_pos[1] and not vertex1_pos

and not is_similar(background_rgb, current_rgb) and is_similar(current_rgb, next_rgb):

vertex1_pos = (x, y)

block_background_rgb = current_rgb

# 識別頂點2

if block_background_rgb and vertex2_line_flag and is_similar(current_rgb, block_background_rgb, 5):

vertex2_line_flag = false

if vertex2_pos:

if x < vertex2_pos[0] and vertex2_pos[0] - x < 20 and y - vertex2_pos[1] < 20:

vertex2_pos = (x, y)


vertex2_pos = (x, y)

# 識別小人

if is_part_of_role(current_rgb):

if role_line_flag:

role_pos_list =

role_line_flag = false

if len(role_pos_list) == 0:

raise exception('無法識別小人位置!!!')

pos_sum = reduce((lambda o1, o2: (o1[0] + o2[0], o1[1] + o2[1])), role_pos_list)

role_pos = (int(pos_sum[0] / len(role_pos_list)), int(pos_sum[1] / len(role_pos_list)))

destination_pos = (vertex1_pos[0], vertex2_pos[1])

return int(linear_distance(role_pos, destination_pos))


微信跳一跳python 微信跳一跳Python

1 安裝python,我用的是python2.7 5.安裝pillow,放在scripts資料夾中,通過 pip install pillow安裝 6.安裝adb工具包,可以直接放在專案 的資料夾裡面,或者放在c盤目錄不過要配置一下環境變數,我這裡是直接放在專案 資料夾中。內建了cmd 命令 7.把...

python 微信跳一跳

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1代表跳到了下乙個盒子但不在中心,得分為1,總分加1 2代表跳到了下乙個盒子且在中心 根據上次的得分計算 如果上一次得分為1,那此次得分為2,總分加2分,如果上一次得分為2,那此次得分為4,總分加4 以此類推 如上一次得分為8分,這次又跳到了盒子中心,那此次得分為10分,總分加10 0代表沒有跳到盒...