Consul 8 配置方式設定upstream

2021-10-03 09:34:28 字數 3178 閱讀 5468


執行命令:socat -v tcp-l:8181,fork exec:"/bin/cat"

liumiaocn:consul.d liumiao$ cat socat.json }}

}liumiaocn:consul.d liumiao$ cat web.json ]}


}}liumiaocn:consul.d liumiao$


執行命令:consul agent -dev -enable-script-checks -config-dir=.



執行命令:consul connect proxy -sidecar-for socat

liumiaocn:consul.d liumiao$ consul connect proxy -sidecar-for socat

==> consul connect proxy starting...

configuration mode: agent api

sidecar for id: socat

proxy id: socat-sidecar-proxy

==> log data will now stream in as it occurs:

2020-03-01t17:43:32.293+0800 [info] proxy: proxy loaded config and ready to serve

2020-03-01t17:43:32.293+0800 [info] proxy: parsed tls identity: uri=spiffe: roots=[]

2020-03-01t17:43:32.294+0800 [info] proxy: starting listener: listener="public listener" bind_addr=


執行命令:consul connect proxy -sidecar-for web

liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ consul connect proxy -sidecar-for web

==> consul connect proxy starting...

configuration mode: agent api

sidecar for id: web

proxy id: web-sidecar-proxy

==> log data will now stream in as it occurs:

2020-03-01t17:44:31.665+0800 [info] proxy: starting listener: listener=>service:default/socat bind_addr=

2020-03-01t17:44:31.675+0800 [info] proxy: proxy loaded config and ready to serve

2020-03-01t17:44:31.675+0800 [info] proxy: parsed tls identity: uri=spiffe: roots=[]

2020-03-01t17:44:31.675+0800 [info] proxy: starting listener: listener="public listener" bind_addr=


liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ nc localhost 9191

hello, this is greetings from web upstream proxy

hello, this is greetings from web upstream proxy


liumiaocn:~ liumiao$ socat -v tcp-l:8181,fork exec:"/bin/cat"

> 2020/03/01 17:45:47.948710 length=49 from=0 to=48

hello, this is greetings from web upstream proxy

< 2020/03/01 17:45:47.949273 length=49 from=0 to=48

hello, this is greetings from web upstream proxy


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