
2021-10-03 19:30:57 字數 2647 閱讀 6317



a#cd ?

flash: filesystem to be formatted


usbflash0: filesystem to be formatted

a#dir usbflash0:

directory of usbflash0:/

a#copy usbflash0: flash:

source filename ? c1841-adventerprisek9-mz.151-2.t1.bin

destination filename [c1841-adventerprisek9-mz.151-2.t1.bin]?

copy in progress…ccccccccccccccccccccccccc a#dir

directory of flash:/

1 -rw- 44880216 aug 24 2010 06:24:08 +00:00 c1841-adventerprisek9- mz.151-2.t1.bin

64000000 bytes total (19116032 bytes free)

==boot system flash: c1841-adventerprisek9-mz.151-2.t1.bin ==




rommon 2 > dev-----看有無支援usb

rommon 3 > boot usbflash0:c1841-adventerprisek9-mz.151-2.t1.bin



rommon 2 > xmodem -c c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin

(-c是帶校驗,c2600-imz.122-11.bin為存放在pc機上的ios映像檔案) ----xmodem是因為沒有系統才會使用該方法上傳ios


rommon 1 > confreg 回車

configuration summary enabled are: load rom after netboot fails console baud: 9600 boot: image specified by the boot system commands or default to: cisco2-c2600 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: y (選擇 yes)

enable 「diagnostic mode」? y/n [n]: n (選擇 no)

enable 「use net in ip bcast address」? y/n [n]: n ( 選 擇 no)

disable 「load rom after netboot fails」? y/n [n]: n (選擇 no)

enable 「use all zero broadcast」? y/n [n]: n ( 選 擇 no)

enable 「break/abort has effect」? y/n [n]: n ( 選 擇 no)

enable 「ignore system config info」? y/n [n]: n ( 選 擇 no)

change console baud rate? y/n [n]: y (選擇 yes)

enter rate: 0 = 9600, 1 = 4800, 2 = 1200, 3 = 2400 4 = 19200, 5 =38400, 6 = 57600, 7 = 115200 [0]: 7 (選擇 7,用最大的115200 速率的xmodem 傳輸 )

change the boot characteristics? y/n [n]: n ( 選 擇 no)

configuration summary enabled are: load rom after netboot fails console baud: 115200 boot: image specified by the boot system commands or default to: cisco2-c2600 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: n (選擇 no)

rommon 2 > reset 重啟裝置


router#erase flash: -------清除掉當前整個flash裡的內容

ios 儲存的位置 flash卡 === cf卡 === c盤

delete flash: cisco-3640.1.35.bin === 清除某個特定檔案

router#copy ftp: flash: tftp伺服器上的 檔案 複製 本地flash卡上

address or name of remote host ? 伺服器位址

source filename ? c3640.bin 待公升級的ios檔名

boot system flash:c3640.bin

演示 為思科25 26系列的路由器公升級IOS映象

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