數倉 Hive 總結之Hive常用命令以及作用

2021-10-04 20:29:39 字數 2267 閱讀 7861

-- 內部表

create table a1

(col1 string,col2 int

) partitioned by

(statdate int

) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

-- 外部表

create external table b1

(col1 string, col2 int

) partitioned by

(statdate int

) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' location '/user/gaofei.lu/'


show create table tablename;
本地資料:load data local inpath ' /home/feifei/aa.txt' into table aa partition



)hdfs上資料:load data inpath '/user/feifei/aa.txt' into table bb partition




alter table aa set tblproperties (



)alter table bb set tblproperties (




修改列名和列資料型別:alter table aa change col2 name string ;

修改位置放置第一位:alter table aa change col2 name string first;

修改位置指定某一列後面:alter table aa change col1 dept string after name;

alter table aa add columns

(col3 string)


alter table aa rename to aa_test;
alter table aa add partition



alter table bb add partition



) location '/user/gaofei.lu/20180315.txt'


show partitioins aa;
alter table aa partition



) rename to partition



alter table bb partition



) set location '/user/gaofei.lu/aa.txt'


alter table aa drop if exists partition




beeline  !connect jdbc:hive2://




set hive.execution.engine=spark

insert overwrite local directory '/home/hadoop/gaofeilu/test_delimited.txt'

row format delimited

fields terminated by '\t'

select * from test;

推薦部落格 : 數倉–hive–總結之hive架構原理

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