訊息認證碼 CMAC

2021-10-05 08:42:37 字數 1932 閱讀 2666


「recommendation for block cipher modes of operation: the cmac mode for authentication」   --nist

基於分組密碼cbc模式的 訊息認證碼,最後乙個分組(可能需要填充填充10...0)與子金鑰異或後參與cbc模式加密。




openssl 實現:




#include "internal/cryptlib.h"


struct cmac_ctx_st ;

/* make temporary keys k1 and k2 */

static void make_kn(unsigned char *k1, const unsigned char *l, int bl)

cmac_ctx *cmac_ctx_new(void)

ctx->nlast_block = -1;

return ctx;

}void cmac_ctx_cleanup(cmac_ctx *ctx)

evp_cipher_ctx *cmac_ctx_get0_cipher_ctx(cmac_ctx *ctx)

void cmac_ctx_free(cmac_ctx *ctx)

int cmac_ctx_copy(cmac_ctx *out, const cmac_ctx *in)

int cmac_init(cmac_ctx *ctx, const void *key, size_t keylen,

const evp_cipher *cipher, engine *impl)

;/* all zeros means restart */

if (!key && !cipher && !impl && keylen == 0)

/* initialise context */

if (cipher && !evp_encryptinit_ex(ctx->cctx, cipher, impl, null, null))

return 0;

/* non-null key means initialisation complete */

if (key)

return 1;

}int cmac_update(cmac_ctx *ctx, const void *in, size_t dlen)

/* encrypt all but one of the complete blocks left */

while (dlen > bl)

/* copy any data left to last block buffer */

memcpy(ctx->last_block, data, dlen);

ctx->nlast_block = dlen;

return 1;

int cmac_final(cmac_ctx *ctx, unsigned char *out, size_t *poutlen)


if (!evp_cipher(ctx->cctx, out, out, bl))

return 1;

}int cmac_resume(cmac_ctx *ctx)

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