frp通過 ssh 訪問公司內網機器

2021-10-05 20:55:17 字數 1352 閱讀 1593

將 frps 及 frps.ini 放到具有公網 ip 的機器上。

將 frpc 及 frpc.ini 放到處於內網環境的機器上。

修改 frps.ini 檔案,這裡使用了最簡化的配置,設定了 frp 伺服器端接收客戶端流量的埠:

# frps.ini


bind_port = 7000

啟動 frps:

./frps -c ./frps.ini

修改 frpc.ini 檔案,假設 frps 所在伺服器的公網 ip 為 x.x.x.x:

# frpc.ini


server_addr = x.x.x.x

server_port = 7000


type = tcp

local_ip =

local_port = 22

remote_port = 6000

注意,local_port(客戶端偵聽)和remote_port(伺服器端暴露)是用來出入 frp 系統的兩端,server_port則是伺服器用來與客戶端通訊的。

啟動 frpc:

./frpc -c ./frpc.ini

通過 ssh 訪問內網機器,假設使用者名為 root:

[root@izbp145axkc98giot5b448z ~]# ssh -oport=6000 root@******xx

the authenticity of host '[******xx]:6000 ([******xx]:6000)' can't be established.

ecdsa key fingerprint is sha256:1yhua+rugkhbnq4znmazqk+ogboet+f6pplqbsf7oos.

ecdsa key fingerprint is md5:a7:d9:f4:94:0f:17:01:d8:3c:33:0f:fc:38:bb:67:fb.

are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

warning: permanently added '[******xx]:6000' (ecdsa) to the list of known hosts.

root@******xx's password:

last login: thu may 7 22:42:36 2020 from

[root@192 ~]#


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