
2021-10-06 03:47:16 字數 4439 閱讀 1019






1.進入到bin目錄下:cd  後面加路徑

例如:c:\users\administrator>cd c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.5\bin     //下劃線表示檔案路徑

c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.5\bin>

2.執行dir命令:   \\顯示mysql提供的服務(程式包)

例如:c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.5\bin>dir

驅動器 c 中的卷沒有標籤。

卷的序列號是 58d0-7369

c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.5\bin 的目錄

2020/03/27  17:31    .

2020/03/27  17:31    ..

2017/11/27  13:55         3,813,376 myisamchk.exe

2017/11/27  13:55         3,676,672 myisamlog.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         3,717,632 myisampack.exe

2017/11/27  13:55         3,692,544 myisam_ftdump.exe

2017/11/27  13:55         4,059,648 mysql.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         3,949,056 mysqladmin.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         4,083,200 mysqlbinlog.exe

2017/11/27  13:55         3,946,496 mysqlcheck.exe

2017/11/27  13:56         9,459,200 mysqld.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         4,023,296 mysqldump.exe

2017/11/27  13:50             7,576 mysqldumpslow.pl

2017/11/27  13:50            25,189 mysqld_multi.pl

2017/11/27  13:50            36,010 mysqlhotcopy.pl

2017/11/27  13:54         3,940,352 mysqlimport.exe

2017/03/13  18:37         2,973,600 mysqlinstanceconfig.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         3,940,352 mysqlshow.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         3,959,808 mysqlslap.exe

2017/11/27  13:50             8,769 mysql_config.pl

2017/11/27  13:50             4,380 mysql_convert_table_format.pl

2017/11/27  13:56        10,261,504 mysql_embedded.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         3,385,344 mysql_plugin.exe

2017/11/27  13:50             9,586 mysql_secure_installation.pl

2017/11/27  13:53         3,344,896 mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.exe

2017/11/27  13:54         4,016,640 mysql_upgrade.exe

2017/11/27  13:53         3,373,056 my_print_defaults.exe

2017/11/27  13:55         3,482,112 perror.exe

2017/11/27  13:53         3,371,520 resolveip.exe

27 個檔案     90,561,814 位元組

2 個目錄 52,962,365,440 可用位元組

c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.5\bin>

啟動mysql服務: mysqld --console

出現port 3306(埠號)啟動成功

例如:c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.5\bin>mysqld --console

200514 17:23:30 [note] --secure-file-priv is set to null. operations related to importing and exporting data are disabled

200514 17:23:30 [note] mysqld (mysqld 5.5.59) starting as process 9516 ...

200514 17:23:30 [note] plugin 'federated' is disabled.

200514 17:23:30 innodb: the innodb memory heap is disabled

200514 17:23:30 innodb: mutexes and rw_locks use windows interlocked functions

200514 17:23:30 innodb: compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3

200514 17:23:30 innodb: initializing buffer pool, size = 42.0m

200514 17:23:30 innodb: completed initialization of buffer pool

200514 17:23:30 innodb: highest supported file format is barracuda.

200514 17:23:30  innodb: waiting for the background threads to start

200514 17:23:31 innodb: 5.5.59 started; log sequence number 1981079

200514 17:23:31 [note] server hostname (bind-address): ''; port: 3306

200514 17:23:31 [note]   - '' resolves to '';

200514 17:23:31 [note] server socket created on ip: ''.

200514 17:23:32 [note] event scheduler: loaded 0 events

200514 17:23:32 [note] mysqld: ready for connections.

version: '5.5.59'  socket: ''  port: 3306  mysql community server (





執行 mysql.exe -u使用者名稱  -p密碼 回車


c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.5\bin>mysql.exe -uroot -pasd

welcome to the mysql monitor.  commands end with ; or \g.

your mysql connection id is 1

server version: 5.5.59 mysql community server (gpl)

oracle is a registered trademark of oracle corporation and/or its

affiliates. other names may be trademarks of their respective


type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type '\c' to clear the current input statement.



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高逼格uilabel的閃爍動畫效果 最終效果圖如下 原始碼 yxlabel.h 與 yxlabel.m created by youxianming on 14 8 23.import inte ce yxlabel uiview property nonatomic,strong nsstring...


高逼格uilabel的閃爍動畫效果 最終效果圖如下 原始碼 yxlabel.h 與 yxlabel.m yxlabel.h created by youxianming on 14 8 23.import inte ce yxlabel uiview property nonatomic,stron...