Unity C OpenDRIVE中線條的實現

2021-10-06 07:25:36 字數 3389 閱讀 1426




只要有這三類線條便可以畫出路的引用線(reference line)。先看一下在unity中的效果(所用案例位址):



using system.collections;

using system.collections.generic;

using unityengine;


public abstract class linebase

public vector3 getpositionats(float s)

protected abstract vector2 calculatepoint(float s);



using system.collections;

using system.collections.generic;

using unityengine;

public class straightline : linebase

protected override vector2 calculatepoint(float s)



using system.collections;

using system.collections.generic;

using unityengine;

public class arcline : linebase

protected override vector2 calculatepoint(float s)




using system;

using system.collections;

using system.collections.generic;

using unityengine;

public class spiralline : linebase

system.numerics.complex j1 = new system.numerics.complex(0, 1);

protected override vector2 calculatepoint(float s)

else if (cdot == 0 && curvstart != 0)


return new vector2((float)cs.real, (float)cs.imaginary);


/* s(x) for small x */

static double sn = new double ;

static double sd = ;

/* c(x) for small x */

static double cn = ;

static double cd = ;

/* auxiliary function f(x) */

static double fn = ;

static double fd = ;

/* auxiliary function g(x) */

static double gn = ;

static double gd = ;

static double polevl(double x, double coef, int n)

while (--i > 0);

return ans;

}static double p1evl(double x, double coef, int n)

while (--i > 0);

return ans;

}static void fresnel(double xxa, ref double ssa, ref double cca)

else if (x > 36974.0)


if (xxa < 0.0)

cca = cc;

ssa = ss;


* compute the actual "standard" spiral, starting with curvature 0

* @param s run-length along spiral

* @param cdot first derivative of curvature [1/m2]

* @param x resulting x-coordinate in spirals local co-ordinate system [m]

* @param y resulting y-coordinate in spirals local co-ordinate system [m]

* @param t tangent direction at s [rad]

*/ public static void odrspiral(double s, double cdot, ref double x, ref double y, ref double t)


public override string tostring()

y: heading: length: s:", x, y, hdg, length,s);}}


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